The boys and I were able to spend time in Spring Hill visiting Matt's family right before we left. We laughed a lot and we cried even more. I cherish those days....when I think back it almost feels like I am remembering snapshots of a movie that I've watched a dozen times.
Dana holding Eli and laughing at Luke as he played drums in the other room and fell off the stool. Then making his way over to the "secret" cookie spot that only they know one wants to spill the beans to Gino.

Pax revving up the lawnmower and shouting, "Hey Luke, lets go for a tractor ride." Luke smirking as they go up and down the street.

Then Luke running in the house and begging to go on the exercise machine, like Pax.
Grams, with more energy than most teenagers, playing and reading, laughing until our bellies hurt.
Luke savoring every minute of love.
Love you EMOYL. XOXO