Thursday, December 24, 2009

Play at your own risk.

Every day after I pick up the mail, Luke sits on our dining room table to open up each card and look at all of the beautiful families. He tells me who all the children are and what they are doing. We received a card from my good friend with her children on Santa's lap and he shouted, "There is Mia and that is Colin. Mom, who is that furry thing?" Now, Luke knows that Santa is pretend (we told him) and because of this I am guessing he was not able to link that idea to a real person. So attention all moms.....if you have small children you may want to steer clear of us around the holiday months!

Now, Matt and I discussed the idea of Santa and Christmas long before we had children and what that means has slowly evolved over the years. This year Matt was forwarded the article below and we were pleasantly shocked to find out that there is a Christian movement under way that aligns with our views about Christmas, soo cool.

What I particularly love, is that we have had so many wonderful role models that have inspired us to be true givers. As a child, I specifically remember each year my grandparents giving a cow to a farming family in South America from each grandchild. I thought it was neat then but now understand the true power of what giving up one more toy for my child could mean to another family. Matt was raised in a similar way. His mother has shared with me countless stories of her and Pax chased a family, that was boarding a bus with all of their belongings, down the highway and emptied out their pockes to help them. Or how she would put money in an envelope and hand it to a family at the store that would need it. She says, "You can't give to everyone but you will know when you should." What a great spirit to keep in your heart all year long.

I do love the holidays~ the feelings of love, family and giving are abundant. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Our Graham Cracker-Gingerbread House.

This is a fun tradition we started this year~ homemade Gingerbread Houses. In sticking with our no refined sugar theme (almost) we made them out of homemade graham crackers (easier than gingerbread), cream cheese icing and a delicious assortment of other goodies from around the house. Unsweetened cocount for the grass, dried apricots for the trim around the house, raisins for the roof trim, almond slivers for the shingles, natural black licorice for a chimney and tree trunks, and fruit twists for the sidewalk- we just put it all together as we went. The one bogey was the Earth's Best Lollipop trees that made it into the scene. Oh and our new health food store in Colorado carries All Natural Food Coloring, I am in heaven and Luke loved the splash of color. It was a three day affair to make the house. The first day we spent making and baking the graham crackers. The second day on the icing and the last day we put it all together. Luke enjoyed eating it for another three! Lots of laughs out of this one~

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why I love Colorado.

T-shirts and playing in the leaves on Wednesday........
All bundled up and a snowman on Friday.........

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Newbie runner over here.

I just like to make do with the things I have. I must get this trait from my dad (who, this is the truth) has socks and shirts from when he was in college. But once my foot hurt so bad that I could not walk Matt convinced me that I needed to get new shoes for my half marathon training. I guess he was right, apparently, two years was one and half years too many for that pair. I decided to visit the running store near my house and they popped me on a treadmill to video tape my run. We then watched it in slow motion. Interestingly enough, I found out that my right foot (the one that hurt) was twisting inward. I was amazed! So, the salesgirl had me try on several shoes and would videotape my run in each shoe. Funny enough, the shoe I loved did not provide enough support but the ones I bought, perfect form on the video. To make it even better, she accepted the $20 off coupon I found for online purchases. Double win!

Four runs later, not a foot issue to be found. Wahoo. Give me the newbie stamp over here!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Giving thanks.

This year my heart is thankful for......

~ my 3 boys, an ever loving husband, inquisitive 2.5 year old and bursting with smiles 9 month old.

~ another year with my father-in-law. As he begins to fight his battle with pancreatic cancer, without the use of Western medicine, we pray the Lord's plan allows us more years than we can count to be with him.

~ being able to see my father run with my children on the beach. This year has brought some interesting medical know how into the causes and treatments for MS. I am not only thankful, but excited and anxious.

~ family time. Matt and I have had the fortunate experience of spending the last 7 months together with him at home. Looking back it is hard to believe we spent the better part of 5 years seeing each other just a few days each week. When he came to me to discuss the idea of him leaving his job, the idea seemed impossible but now it was the best decision we could have made. Sometimes you just have to rearrange your priorities.

My heart is full.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


12 weeks until the half marathon. This is me on my first official day of training.....50 minute run, 9 degrees. My eyelashes had icicles on them. I wish I was one of those people that could just get on a treadmill and run to my heart's desire but I can't. I dread it. I need to be outdoors. I was not sure how I would feel about the frigid temperature but funny enough, I did not mind it. In fact, I enjoyed it. It was so peaceful, the snow was lightly falling and it was very calming. Looking forward to many more snowy runs!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Overzealous potty trainer.

I am, to my own admission, an overzealous potty trainer. If Luke makes any mention of the potty or wanting to use the potty or having to go potty, my voice shrills and I eek with excitement as I shuffle him over to his little potty. I think I need to tone it down a few notches as there were two separate "potty incidences" over the Thanksgiving holiday and both involved my in-laws, how embarassing.

Act 1-
Grams was in the bathroom with the door closed and Luke, with no certain awareness of privacy, busts in and exclaims, "Come on Grams, you can do it."

Act 2-
Pax was leaving the bathroom and Luke rounds the corner, jumping up and down saying, "Yea Pax, yeah Pax."

I wonder where he learns this from.

A few more cute one-liners came out of that little guys mouth over the holiday-

Pax was trying to put a dvd on the tv and for some reason it was not working. Pax looked over at Luke and said, "Sorry Luke I can not get this to work." Luke stated, very sincerely, "It's not your fault Pax."

We were all sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner at my parent's house and Luke wanted to say the prayer. "Dear God, thank you for this breakfast. Amen"

In the cutest little Italian accent he can muster, he says, "How you doin'?"

All these changes.

While in Florida for Thanksgiving I got to spend some much needed time with my amazing sister, Jamie. She is genuine, insightful and so open with her heart. We are as alike as sisters can be and as different as sisters can be. During one of our deep conversations, she made mention of how much I have changed over the last five years and since meeting Matt.

As I think back over this time I have to agree whole heartedly. Over these years I have become a wife and a mother, my eye's have been opened to so much regarding the ways of the world, how we live and my faith. My heart's desire to seek and learn is being filled and I am eager to continue down this path.

Jamie (isn't she simply gorgeous??) and Eli in Ponce Inlet, FL.

So, one change that is always constant in our household is food, what and how we eat. This past year I have been privy to lots of new information on nutrition that is steering me down a new path in the kitchen. The movie, "Food Inc" revealed some interesting insight into the food industry. It contains a lot of information I was familiar with but putting it into a visual medium puts a whole new perspective on things. The book, The China Study, was an insightful read, focusing on the health benefits of reducing animal proteins in our diet. I also pick up "The Healing Herbs" by Michael Castleman every now and again for reference on the curative power of herbs, love it, as well as, Vive le Vegan by Dreena Burton. All of this has led us to a more veggie friendly lifestyle. We still eat meat/fish- probably once or twice a week for dinner, another two or three nights are vegetarian fare and the rest are usually vegan. We are really working on reducing our dairy consumption too. It is an adjustment (more for Matt and Luke) than myself but we are well on our way. Hooray to healthier living!

One of Matt's very favorite vegetarian dishes is this Goat Cheese and Arugula Pasta. Easy to make too so I thought I would share it.


  • 5 1/2 ounces goat cheese
  • 2 cups coarsely chopped arugula, stems included
  • 1 cup quartered cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 8 ounces penne pasta
  • Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until al dente. Crumble goat cheese into a large serving bowl. Add arugula, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, and salt and pepper. Drain pasta, and toss with goat cheese mixture.