Yes, Matt does partake in an occasional glass of wine or beer but that is not the source of my issue. I am confident in saying that when we met 6 years ago, he probably consumed 60% of his calories from drinks. I am talking Gatorade, soda pop, tea (notice no mention of the word water here). He slowly sucked me into the trap, how addicting it is. Well, a few years back I weaned myself and got back into the habit of mainly drinking water and fresh juice but with his exercise regimen he still wanted the electrolyte beverage. (I do love Matt for this. He is very dedicated to his work outs. He weighs less than he did in high school and is starting to train for a tri-athalon!) But the high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar made me cringe so he eventually agreed to Recharge (an "all natural" energy replenisher) but it was loaded with sugar. I still was not satisfied. The great news is I received two recommendations from friends to try coconut juice. Wahoo, let me tell you, it is wonderful! Refreshing, light, and truly an all natural isotonic beverage. There is potassium and magnesium. Yummy. This has been a great find, now I may be the one with the drinking habit!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The final countdown!
Week 8 of 12 for my half marathon training has come and gone. The race is just around the corner, registration is complete. I finished my longest run to date, 8 miles. It felt really nice today. Working on my breathing technique and form has been a top priority the last few weeks as I have seen major benefits with it in other areas of my life (child birth, yoga). I read a book called, "ChiRunning" by Danny Dreyer that combines this breathing, inner focus and the flow of T'ai Chi into running form. The goal is to make the sport effortless and injury free. Slowly I am getting the hang of it and have my sights set on a ChiRunning clinic in March as well. My pace is extremely slow (11 minute miles) but once I master the technique the speed will come. I am okay with that. For now.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Luke's First Book.
One of my first mini-homeschooling lessons with Luke turned into a labor of love. The objective was to have him create his first book, the intention was to send it to Pax as a "hope you feel better" surprise while he was in the rehabilitation center.
Our first task was to decorate the pages of the book. He used stickers, crayons, glitter, markers and we worked on one page each day for almost two weeks. He then looked online at our pictures and choose his favorites, which we ordered. Each page then came to life, as he cut and glued the pictures into the book. Then came binding the book, he learned how to use a hole punch and tie a bow to fasten it all together. During our readings that week I really tried to focus on a few things~ how each book has a title and an author, how the pages are numbered and how the words put together a story. When we sat down to discuss a title, I asked him, "What would you like the title of your book to be........."
He went on to tell the story of each page.
He worked on writing his numbers too.
He was so proud of his accomplishment and loved reading it before we sent it off.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A letter for Luke.
Dearest Noodle,
I heard the slightest creak as you opened your bedroom door. Your tiny little feet scampered across the hardwood. 5:47 am this morning, my you were up early. I saw the light creep thru as you fiddled with our door; I raised my weary eyes. Dad lay resting next to me and I scooped you up in my arms. We went into your room, pulled your Thomas the Train blanket up to ours noses and you asked me to sing.
"Daisy, daisy, give me your answer true. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage but you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two."
You wrapped your little arm around my forearm and squeezed it tight. Those fifteen minutes of cuddling filled my heart with such joy. I can think of no better wake up call in the world. I love you my dearest boy.
Change it up.
Who knew there were actually companies out there that will print out your blog and bind it like a book? Great concept! This is just what Matt and I are going to do each year. With that decision, I am hoping to come up with a "title" for each book, hence the face lift on the blog for 2010. "Our Lil' Garden" so fitting for my resolution of getting my green thumb to work but most importantly cherishing each moment I have with the three most precious boys in my life. I feel that they are my little garden and if I pour enough nourishment and love on them the harvest will be bountiful.
Oh and to our book we will be adding a dad's perspective. Each year Matt authors a family newsletter highlighting his memories of the previous twelve months. He has mentioned translating it into Hebrew, putting his hours of study into a legacy we can leave for the children. Not sure if that will happen for this year's edition but I am keeping my finger's crossed as I have yet to see it......ohhh the excitement.
This is a new tradition for our family, a path of memories helping us to remember how we get from point A to point B and all the fun, sad, frustrating and challenging stops in between!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Nurturing seeds for growth~ 2010.

This year I hope to plant a few more seeds in our life and stay focused on those intentions.
~ Live my faith more fully through studying the scriptures.
~ Fill my family's plates with a majority of vegan and vegetarian dishes. How do I break Luke and Eli of chicken nuggets? Hmm.....this will be a work in progress.
~ Study homeopathy and begin to practice it in our home.
~ Begin mini-homeschool lessons with Luke.
~ Consume less and rid our home of those things which we do not need.
~ Get my garden going!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Dinner with the Davidsons.
Rebecca (Miller) and I were friends in high school who drifted apart upon graduation. Lo and behold, we connected on Facebook and found out now (more than ever) we have so much in common~ our joy in motherhood and raising our children, our love of nutrition and healthy cooking and our desire to search out truths in life. It was about a year and a half ago when I stumbled upon Rebecca's blog- When I read it, I felt like I had found a How-To Manual for my life, ideas and topics that crossed my mind but here was someone (I knew and trusted) living it.
Funny thing, the night before we met for dinner I came upon a box full of high school memorabilia. Luke and I had unpacked it and I was putting it all away when I found a shirt thrown to the side. I unfolded it and found a message from Rebecca ending with "Rebecca and Jessica, Friend Forever"in purple puffy paint......I wore it out to dinner that night (poor Brent was so embarrassed but hung in there while Rebecca and I laughed) . Little did I know that 15 years ago when she gave that to me how true those words would be! Thank you does not even begin to cover the gratitude I have.........

Unfortunately, Matt was not able to join us but he and Brent will soon be meeting. Who knows~ they may both be fluent in Hebrew before they call it a night or coordinate their own meeting on Jekyll Island (now that could be interesting!!)

Hope to see you both again, soon!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Welcome 2010.
Homemade party hats, Vegan Peanut Butter Bars, New Year's Olympics and skyping with the Serra Family in Seattle~ does it get much better than that? No way.
Luke was pretty excited. New Year's Eve morning he helped me google "How to make a party hat?" and then we constructed them together. He adorned his with a colorful drawing and stickers.
Eli even got a hand in this one....not bad little man.
New Year's Olympics was a riot! This was one challenge on the obstacle course, love the effort.
Then on to the block stacking station. There was also a bucket toss, book find and balloon race with prizes at the end. This left us just enough time to dig into dessert and.....
ring in the New Year~ all by 6pm. Happy New Year!
Fortunately, once the kiddos went down for the night Matt and I were able to spend some time on skype with Kristie, Ali, and their twin boys. They are our dear friends who moved from Tampa to Seattle just about the same time we came to Colorado. (Kristie is also known for her amazing photography work and we were lucky enough to have her capture so many wonderful memories of our family behind the camera~
When you live next to such a wonderful family for so long you take for granted the fact that you always have someone there if you need to talk, have an emergency or need a baby gate installed~ poor Ali always got stuck helping us with stuff around the house. Their kindness, sincerity and compassion are like nothing I have ever seen. For them, I wish more happiness than they can fit into their restored Volkswagon Bug this year.......I mean this more than they could ever know.
Miss that face!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tenacious E.
Eli took his first steps about a week ago while we were in Florida! Round 1 was at Grams and Pax's house. This is round 2 while visiting my parents~
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Holidays.
This holiday was very bittersweet. We traveled back to Florida to see our families and as wonderful as it was to be with everyone, Pax had not been feeling well and was admitted into the hospital twice during our stay. Without him there, there was a missing piece in our hearts and a constant weight on our minds. Lots of praying and tears but nothing like a squealing pet hamster named Zsu Zsu to make everyone laugh or watching Luke on skates for the first time......
Uncle Sam and Eli
Aunt Dana explaining how Zsu Zsu works. Luke then watched this hamster roll about under the couch for close to an hour, giggling the whole time.
My mom and dad
Uncle Travy Wavvy and Eli
Luke trying out his skates
Smooth talker.
How did Luke manage to score a cockpit visit on both our flight to Florida over the holidays and on our way home? He is a smooth talker. He walked right past the flight attendant and into the cockpit, shouting with excitement, "Well, hello" to the pilot. Both pilots were as nice as could be, letting him push or pull just about any button he could reach- bells were ringing, lights were flashing. I even heard a "Hi mom" and "Merry Christmas" over the intercom in his sweet little voice.
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