Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer does a body good- part 2.

This summer Eli~

1. Was a beach impostor, he could walk the walk but could not talk the talk. He admired from a far or on my hip.

2. Fell in love with the tractor ride.

3. Tore it up on the dance floor.

4. Found a BFF. His cousin, Evelyse.

5. Gave himself a makeover. I knew this day would come. The boy loves to stack, open and play with my make-up. Give him 10 minutes with a tube of lipstick and he has the look of a broadway star.

6. Both laughed and smirked, in true Eli form.

Hello Fall!

Summer does a body good.

This summer Luke~

1. Perfected his 7th inning stretch song and is ready to belt it out at the big leagues.

2. Became fully potty trained. Oh, I thought this would never happen but with a little luck and free reign to pee off the porch if need be, the kid got motivated.

3. Became a huge fan of the cannon ball and various snorkeling techniques. He is hoping for an air tank.

4. Declares himself to be a surf expert.

5. Had his first trip to the dentist. I thought he might escape my "bad teeth gene" but no can do. Two cavities with a possibility of a baby root canal. He showed self restraint, a positive attitude and willingness to try.

6. Enjoyed lots of special treats on our trip to Florida. I think all the love made up for any ill effects this may have had on his health.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chi Running.

I posted about a class I was excited to take in Chi Running. The whole premise is to run or walk with correct form, eliminating any pain or discomfort while increasing endurance and speed. It was great but all the excitement wore off when, for the life of me, I just could not get the technique down. Argh! I was in a pickle because my old running style felt off but I just could not get the hang of the Chi style. Go figure- I relay all the information I learned to Matt. He is such a self learner, goes out and within about a month with no other training, is running about twice as far as he used to with absolutely no pain and an increased time. He has taken to 6-8 miles of steep trail running and comes home enthused and ready to conquer more! So, I will keep at it but for anyone that is curious Matt has seen dramatic results. He is even thinking of signing up for some long trail races.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer Love.

This summer was full of love.

It is amazing how months can seem to pass in an instant when
you hug an old friend fresh off the plane from Seattle,
really talk with your sister,
let yourself listen to music,
take an impromptu trip, something you always talk about and never do,
grow with your husband,
read for the fun of it,
hold sweet Evelyse and swap mommy ideas with your cousin,
welcome to the world Bella knowing how she will forever change your dear friend,
and embrace every moment with your family.

Summer just has a way of doing that, aren't we lucky.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hats off to another year for my honey.

A trip to the swim park.
Margaritas and smothered enchiladas.
Feeding the ducks at Wash Park.
Cake and singing on a picnic bench.

Happy Birthday babe, simple days always make the best memories. My love forever.