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Sunday, October 30, 2011
Happy baby pose.
Easy going, laid back and full of smiles. Baby James is one happy boy!

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Farmer Kenny.
A few months back we started getting raw milk from a local farm. It is pretty much straight from the cow, not homogenized or pasteurized. In Colorado, it is illegal to purchase raw milk so you have to buy a portion of a cow and then you have rights to the milk it produces.
So, the kiddos and I set out to Johnson Farms and met Farmer Kenny and the crew. We toured the farm, rode tractors, milked the cows and met the baby calves. Now we get 1/2 a gallon of milk each week and have since eliminated the tummy aches and diarhea Eli often experienced with regular milk. The boys fondly refer to the milk as Farmer Kenny's milk or Racoon's milk. A mini step we have taken in adding nutritional value to our diet.
Mary and I have decided that each month we are going to get out and explore Colorado with the kiddos! What a treat this has been, exposing them to new activities and interests.
September included a trip to Sunflower Farms which is a working farm in Longmont with petting zoo, zip line, horse rides, treehouse, tire swings and a haystack maze. A playland for kiddos (and adults!) Luke's fondness for all things fast and dangerous came out in the zip line. Eli went at it with gusto as well, always trailing Luke by a few steps but with fervor and determination.
This month we hit up Berry Patch Farms in Brighton for a tractor ride into the fields of red raspberries, golden raspberries and strawberries. We spent several hours under the beautiful fall skies, breathing the fresh air and admiring the green farmlands. The boys learned how food ends up in the grocery store, what it takes to grow a plant and how to identify a ripened berry.
I am hoping this is a way for me to better understand individual learning styles and trigger points. You would think after spending 14 waking hours of everyday with them I would know this already but there is something about being outside in the fresh air that highlights natural tendencies and desires. They talk more, run faster and ooze excitement.
Part of my heart is still so desiring to homeschool these love bugs and part of my head is still saying no way. These outing days make it heard for my heart to listen to my head.
Kid's perspective.
Sometimes I can just hear the wheels turning when Luke is trying to figure something out. He will ask a handful of questions and then ponder. A day, week or month later he will bring it up in discussion with his mind made up, my favorite part. His perspective is often well thought out, intentional and compassionate.
Whenever the boys and I are out and about it is inevitable that someone will make a comment, "Trying for that girl."
"Oh three boys, poor mom. No girl."
"No pink for you."
And most graciously I will answer, "I am the luckiest mom around. I have always wanted four boys. We are almost there."
Truly, I have.
So, at the mall this weekend when the conversation occurred Luke finished my sentence and replied to the saleswoman, "She always wanted 4 boys."
I looked at him with a glance of agreement and said, "Yep, you are right Luke but maybe God knows better and 3 is my perfect number."
"No mommy, he gave you just what you asked for, Luke, Eli, James and daddy."
That there stopped me right in my tracks, God did answer my prayers and I would have missed it without this kiddo's perspective.

Thanks sweet boy.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Mary says Matt is raising these kiddos to be adrenaline junkies. I agree.
Here is my contribution~
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Matt rocks.
Good gravy, I married a good man.
For anyone that reads this blog, I am so sorry for the gag factor that might ensue but since this is also a family journal, my hope is that as our boys become men and decide to look back over these writings they understand how admired their father is, by their mother.
For us, it has been 7 years of marriage this year. I have been told this is a rough one but for Matt and I it has been one of the best. With each year our relationship changes and our commitment strengthens. Don't take that to mean it is all marital bliss over here. We argue, disagree and, lordy, lordy we can get on each other's nerves but we love each other and like they said on the Facts of Life- we take the good, we take the bad.
Our first few years were harder. We moved (a lot), we were still figuring each other (and ourselves out), we both were stubborn and those lines of communication everyone talks about were not open. But then we both started to make some changes- apologizing during arguments, trying to acknowledge how someone else may be feeling instead of winning the fight, appreciating each other. Appreciating each other. These seem so elementary to write but good gracious they made a difference. So, with all that being said my husband rocks.

Our three sons can learn so much from him on how to be an honorable, humble, God serving man.
Last week work was a bit nutty for Matt. He had meeting after meeting, long, long hours, lots of stress. The kiddos and I were missing him. Luke wanted to play outside but Matt had mounds to get done and it was late. He told him, "Lets plan on it tomorrow." The following day, I know his to do list was a mile long, he had calls to make, reports to turn in and at 5pm I heard him walk upstairs from his office, head to the kitchen and tell Luke, "Hey bud, you ready to play ball?" All I heard from Luke was, "Dad, you are a man of your word." My heart smiled. What a wonderful lesson to teach your child. He spent that evening, after the kids were in bed, finishing his work.
A few weekends ago we took a day trip to the mountains to witness the Aspens in all their glory spinning their leaves into gold. We came home, uploaded the pictures and I began to skim through them. This one came up- me and sweet Baby James. My initial reaction- "Wow, look at all my wrinkles." Matt came over, took one look and said, "Babe, with all your smiling you are going to have laugh lines. You look beautiful." Thank you for loving me as I am.
This weekend I was feeling a bit lonely. Matt started reading the news while I was making breakfast and that one simple act turned into me unloading every wrong he had done in the last 24 hours on to him. Instead of yelling or making me feel bad, he cleaned the kitchen while I had a good cry. Sometimes an ear to listen will do wonders.

The surprise tin pot full of purple flowers that were brought home last week was just the icing on the cake. (Boys, a simple act of thoughtfulness is worth more than words.)
Babe, you truly do rock.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Autumn gold.
Taking pictures when the leaves change has become a bit of a family tradition. We all load up in the car, head to the mountains and pick just the most beautiful place to capture this amazing time of year. The crisp mountain air, gold and fiery leaves and picturesque scenery make it a day to remember. Some how it has also become a tradition for Luke to pee on an Aspen tree....go figure. Last year we hit up Guanella Pass near Georgetown, this year St. Mary's Glacier.

Saturday, October 8, 2011
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