So, it all hit at once.
1. The stomach bug- three kiddos over 5 days and one trip to the ER while Matt was out of town. Sleepless night full of worry, countless loads of laundry, lots of time spent disinfecting. Luckily (or unluckily) I got it the day after he got home. At least I was able to lock myself in our room and rest for a quick recovery.
2. A dog bite. I take pilates classes at an in home studio where the instructor allows her dog to stay while we work out. He is a rescued, albino, mostly blind and mostly deaf great dane. About 180 lbs and big. Normally he is gentle and just lays quietly on the ground next to my machine. This particular morning, as I went to pull my ponytail from behind my head he took my neck in his mouth and bit me. Luckily (or unluckily) if he had wanted to really hurt me he could have and all I got was this-
which warranted a round of antibiotics and some apprehension about dogs.
3. All others pale in comparison to when my mom called to tell me her doctor had found a polyp on her colon during her last colonoscopy. Colon cancer runs in our family with my aunt passing away at a young age with it. My mother gets checked every two years so as optimistic as we all wanted to be it rang too close to our hearts. The next procedure brought stress as the doctor never followed up and a nurse ended up telling my mother, on the phone, she had colon cancer and the doctor would call her soon. Turns out the sample had to be sent for a second opinion which resulted in laparoscopic surgery to remove it. All in all, luckily (or unluckily), we are as thankful as ever it was PREcancerous, is now removed and my mother is recovering. We are counting our blessings and sending sweet prayers to my momma.
Hoping the next several months are uneventful.