Well, here is the scoop, Hg is mercury, a toxic liquid metal found in barometers, batteries, fluorescent lamps and a majority of the food products sitting in kitchen pantries. Yep, it has been found, at detectable levels, in high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Seeing that the average American eat about 12 tsp of HFCS a day, yes, that is right, 12 tsp each day, I think it is worth looking in to.
In two separate studies, one by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and another published by the scientific journal, Environmental Health, they found that 30-50% of products containing HFCS tested positive for mercury. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that mercury is an "ubiquitous environmental toxin that causes a wide range of adverse health effects in humans." Those most greatly affected are the unborn fetus and young child. Oh FDA, where are you? Seeing that this information came out several years ago why have you not informed consumers or changed industry mandates? Why do a majority of food products sitting on my grocer's shelf, that I fed to my child STILL contain HFCS as the first or second ingredient......be your own advocate. Take a peek, what is in your ketchup, bread, jelly, Gatorade, soda pop, breakfast cereal, relish, salsa, cookies, graham crackers?
For me the safest exposure to HG, is none at all. I make homemade graham crackers now, buy the ketchup that is 50 cents more in the organic section that is both HFCS free and refined sugar free. Changing how you live will change the way you live forever.
(Answers: Gold, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Mercury.)
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