My sweet Eli,
It is the time of day that your dad and I look forward to most. The sun has set, your teeth are brushed, warm jammies cover your little body. You have sat in my lap attentively listening to book after book, some I am sure you know the words as I have read them time and time again, with your big, dark eyes studying the pages. You know this is the last page and you turn to me with arms wide open. Luke turns off the light and I scoop you up. I hold you. Both arms wrapped around my neck, your head on my shoulder. I sing in your ear, "Daisy, daisy give me your answer true. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage but you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two." You are hugging me with no hint of letting go, I can feel your heartbeat against my chest. The most loving of cuddles. I start again and set you in your crib. You look into my eyes, with love and tenderness. One sweet smile and my heart melts. Thank you for those most precious moments.
Eli you smile big and love hard. Your ability to learn by watching amazes me. Your quick temper has made me think on my toes more than once. Every boo boo needs a kiss and you love to flush toilets (lets just forget about last week when I found you drinking from the toilet.) You never pass up an opportunity to give someone a hug or dance to any given beat. You are my son and I am forever grateful that God has blessed me with your love.

(I know I have violated some copyright laws here, I am sure. My amazing friend, Kristie, of Kristie Serra Photography took this picture of me and sweet cheeks this summer. I took a picture of the picture and here it is. So sorry Kris and I know the color is all wrong but the smile is all right :) Please forgive me.)
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