It is hard to believe that two year's ago today, I woke up knowing that our family of three would soon be four. A hard feeling to put into words but it happened with Luke as well, I just knew. Unfortunately, this Tuesday Luke and Matt both happened to be sick in bed with the flu- fever, vomiting and my doula was in the hospital with a obscure viral infection.
I had a scheduled check up that morning at the birthing center. I arrived and saw a woman laboring in the room down the hall. I thought to myself, "Hmm, I wonder if she will still be here when I come in." I told the midwife during my appointment that I felt the baby was coming. She asked if I wanted to be checked and I agreed. Knowing I had two sickos at home, I thought it would help me plan ahead. She said I was barely dilated. It was not until after lunch that the surges began. Very mildly at first and folding all of the dirty sheets and towels kept me busy. Coincidentally, I received a call from my doula's partner, Stephanie. She told me that she wanted to meet me in case I went into labor and she would swing by after work. I let her know that I felt like my labor had started and we agreed that I would start timing my surges. They were very inconsistent at first but around 3:30pm began to get stronger and closer together. We called Matt's parents by 5pm and asked them to come down. Stephanie arrived and called the birthing center to let them know our situation. They encouraged us to stay at home as long as possible as they had several other mothers in labor.
At 6:15pm I looked at Matt and told him we needed to go. Matt's parents and sister had just arrived and good thing. The surges were extremely strong, I had to stop and kneel in the driveway to breath through them. What would normally be a 15 minute drive took close to 30 minutes as we were stuck behind the slowest driver on a one lane road. Matt was frustrated and the labor was beginning to get unbearable. We arrived at the center and I went right into the room and was welcomed by Andrea, my midwife. I insisted on using the bathroom but she said she needed to check me first. I said okay and "Sorry if I go to the bathroom on you." She laughed and shouted that she needed a birth assistant in the room right now, I was having the baby. Poor Matt, he was trying to get all my things in the room and set up my soothing birthing music. He turned around and could not believe he saw the head. 8 minutes later, little Eli joined the world. The fastest birth at the center, not even giving us enough time to hop in the tub and have a water delivery as we had planned.

The experience was overwhelming, calming, wonderful, amazing and full of joy. 6 lbs and 12 ounces, 20 1/2 inches long. He checked out perfectly and we headed home 4 hours later.
The first night was rough. Matt could barely get out of bed, Luke was sick all night and I had a vigilant watch over Eli. He had a little fluid in his lungs and while the midwife assured me he would be okay I just could not keep my momma's eyes off of him. Those first few days were very tough. I could not stay in bed to get the recovery I fully needed and Matt could not help as he would have liked to. This was the toughest part. I also learned that right at the 6 week mark I break down. Matt is back at work, the sleep deprivation is setting in and all of the change starts to take its toll. So, I cried and got through it. Every mother will and does. It is just all part of it. Then, voila, one day Little Man, sleeps 4 hours in a row and you feel like a new woman! Alive and refreshed, ready to conquer the world. Truly amazing!
Wow! What a crazy birth story...cant believe how fast he came! I do know what you mean by those labor "surges"....they take your breath away. Though my births were so different with my kiddies, I think we as moms can all relate. My c-sections were hard to recover from....and I agree that I hit a wall too around that 6 week mark. So different, yet so much the same!