Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One tricked out trike and a Skuut.

Pedal bikes are a new find for us. They are a beginner's bike without pedals so you "skuut" along. It is suppose to eliminate the need for training wheels as the child is able to learn to balance. I searched for months for a used one but no such luck. I did however find this awesome trike for Eli on Craig's List.

Luke received his Skuut as an early birthday present and is catching on quickly. He is cautiously daring. Sweet boy will be 3 in a few days!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Amalgam be gone!

This past week I got all 7 of my Amalgam/Mercury tooth fillings removed and replaced. Usually I love going to the dentist (a little strange, I know) but I was apprehensive about this procedure. I am not a fan of drugs and I had to get a local anesthetic in four areas of my mouth. They also started me on nitrous oxide but within two minutes I started breaking out in a sweat and had it replaced with pure oxygen. Drills, my mouth wired open and 3 hours later, no more toxic mercury in this mouth. Thank goodness.

This is about 1/10 of the metal that the dentist removed. Amazing that years ago (and in some dental practices today) it was common place to fill cavities with a deadly poison. I wonder what we will look back on in 20 years and say, "I can't believe in 2010 we used to ______?" (Drink water with flouride, have health care options that were constitutional, think traditional sunscreen protected us from cancer.) Hmmm.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

All the tears......

over one bunny. The kiddos had never sat on Santa's lap or seen the Easter bunny at the mall and so I can imagine how strange it would be to be plopped on the lap of a gigantic, moving rabbit. However, they survived and had some fun at the community egg hunt after.

I do not do much by way of "dressing" the boys up but this coat and vest was adorable on Luke and brought back so many fun memories of our trip to Pittsburgh that I had to put it on Eli.

We managed to lose all the eggs we found on the egg hunt but that was forgotten when we arrived back home and had our baskets filled. I stuffed a few eggs with dried fruit, a few chocolate chips and one lollipop each~ Luke got an electric toothbrush and Eli received a ball~ they loved them! Matt could not believe how excited they both got, it was adorable.

Now, this was Eli's second lollipop. His first came to him in a mom's moment of desperation at the mall. The look on his face says it all, "How did I score one of these again?"

Spring is here~