Dear Sweet Baby James,
Is it really almost a year since you came into our lives? Funny how you never can imagine life any different and then your sweet smile expanded my heart ten fold, completing our family. Your delivery should have clued me into your personality from the get go, laid back and in no rush at all. You watch your older brothers play, anxious to get a hold of a ball, always beaming from ear to ear but content in your momma's lap. No need to walk or even crawl for that matter, you would prefer a hug and sweet kiss on your cheek. You love it when dad hums in your ear and holds you close. Often times if you are crying it is because you want to be held and loved on. Your love of food and sleep can not be forgotten. Down at 5:30pm and up at 6:30am make for a well rounded night. You love quinoa and salmon burgers, avocado and banana, green smoothies and english muffins, often times eating more than your older brothers. You are such a sweet miracle and God has so truly opened my heart with you as my third son. Thank you Sweet Baby James for all of your love!
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