So, I posted about cloth diapering about a year ago. My final verdict......
I like it.
Much easier than I thought overall. Although I will say that I have learned a few things~

* Using an HE washer is a bit cumbersome, you just might have to double/triple/quadruple wash to get them really clean. It can be done but just takes a bit more effort.
* Once a child has used disposables they may not transition to the cloth. I tried and tried with Luke. Since he was old enough to take them off that is just what would happen. You would think he would use the potty at that point but no such luck.
* No need to even attempt cloth diapers while traveling, moving or using a babysitter. Not worth the headache or grossness.
* They need to be changed one to two times more each day or else a nasty rash can ensue.
So, here is what you need.
1. About 15-20 cloth diapers. I use both the All in One diapers and the One Size diapers by Bum Genius. The All in Ones take a bit longer to dry but the One Size need an insert put into them, pick your battle.
2. About 100 cloth wipes.
3. Some homemade wipe solution. I fill a spray bottle with water and add a drop or two of lavendar oil and/or tree tea oil.
4. A cloth diaper friendly detergent for washing. I have tried several and Charlie's Soap (available online) seems to work the best. Although there is no stain removing agent in it so if I left my diapers an extra day or two too long I do add a squeeze of Bac Out while they soak to help.
5. A wet bag- I have two for the bathroom (one will be in use while the other is getting washed) and a travel wetbag for when we are out and about.
6. A fairly good gag reflux. I am not gonna lie, it can get gross.
As far as washing goes, every 2-3 days I soak the soiled diapers overnight in the washer. I set the water to cold and add some Bac Out. In the morning I wash them on hot, for a large load with one scoop Charlie's Soap and a double rinse with a few drops of lavendar oil. If they are still stinky you can wash them again with a 1/2 baking soda, then another wash with a 1/2 cup vinegar and then a last wash with no soap or anything added. Pop them in the dryer or on the line after. Wa La!
Oh and shockingly enough the cloth diapers have leaked less than disposables even for overnight.
Just look how happy he is! (Eli is a major cuddler........oh how he loves a snuggle!)
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