I went solo with the boys to Florida for some fun! Apparently, I was relaxing so much I forgot to take pictures....here are just a few.......
Oh I wish I had my camera to get a love bird picture of Samantha and her boyfriend, Josh. This was the first time I met him and he is just wonderful, adorable and so sweet. Wish we got to spend more time with them! Hopefully our next trip.
On this trip I learned a few lessons.
~ I (heart) Kristie Serra. She was heading back home to Seattle with her boys the day after we arrived so our only time to meet was for thirty minutes at the airport when we got in. Nothing like a quick hug and chat with the most genuine of hearts.
~ Eli likes the beach as long as he is not wet, sandy, or in the sun. While Jamie was trying to make that happen Luke was turning into Flipper with Travis.
~ Aunt Dana's "spend the night" is like my fond memories of Elitche's Amusement Park as a kid- non stop laughter, 1000 to do in not enough time, more fun than I can imagine and photos to prove it.
~ A house full of love will never be forgotten. Luke walks in to Grams and Pax's house like he owns the place and was just arranging the bunny hutch yesterday. Poor Grams was under the weather but held up like a trooper.
~ I wish Jamie and Travis lived near me.
~My parents are so wonderful (I have actually always known this). They drove three hours to see us. This entailed picking us up, taking us to lunch and then to the airport. They then turned around to head home.
Wonderful trip.
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