Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Giving thanks.

This year my heart is thankful for......

~ my 3 boys, an ever loving husband, inquisitive 2.5 year old and bursting with smiles 9 month old.

~ another year with my father-in-law. As he begins to fight his battle with pancreatic cancer, without the use of Western medicine, we pray the Lord's plan allows us more years than we can count to be with him.

~ being able to see my father run with my children on the beach. This year has brought some interesting medical know how into the causes and treatments for MS. I am not only thankful, but excited and anxious.

~ family time. Matt and I have had the fortunate experience of spending the last 7 months together with him at home. Looking back it is hard to believe we spent the better part of 5 years seeing each other just a few days each week. When he came to me to discuss the idea of him leaving his job, the idea seemed impossible but now it was the best decision we could have made. Sometimes you just have to rearrange your priorities.

My heart is full.

1 comment:

  1. This makes my heart smile, Jess!! You are such an inspiration and we are so very thankful for the Klasnick crew!!! xoxoxoxo
