Thursday, January 14, 2010

Welcome 2010.

Homemade party hats, Vegan Peanut Butter Bars, New Year's Olympics and skyping with the Serra Family in Seattle~ does it get much better than that? No way.

Luke was pretty excited. New Year's Eve morning he helped me google "How to make a party hat?" and then we constructed them together. He adorned his with a colorful drawing and stickers.

Eli even got a hand in this one....not bad little man.

New Year's Olympics was a riot! This was one challenge on the obstacle course, love the effort.

Then on to the block stacking station. There was also a bucket toss, book find and balloon race with prizes at the end. This left us just enough time to dig into dessert and.....

ring in the New Year~ all by 6pm. Happy New Year!

Fortunately, once the kiddos went down for the night Matt and I were able to spend some time on skype with Kristie, Ali, and their twin boys. They are our dear friends who moved from Tampa to Seattle just about the same time we came to Colorado. (Kristie is also known for her amazing photography work and we were lucky enough to have her capture so many wonderful memories of our family behind the camera~

When you live next to such a wonderful family for so long you take for granted the fact that you always have someone there if you need to talk, have an emergency or need a baby gate installed~ poor Ali always got stuck helping us with stuff around the house. Their kindness, sincerity and compassion are like nothing I have ever seen. For them, I wish more happiness than they can fit into their restored Volkswagon Bug this year.......I mean this more than they could ever know.

Miss that face!


  1. I am so glad that I am getting to see the Klasnick Olympics and the rest of the celebration!! Such FUN!!! Skyping with the Klasnicks was so much fun--I couldn't think of a better way to bring in the new year!! Oh, how we miss you guys soooooooo much!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

    PS- I am DYING right now looking at that picture!! HaHaHa : ) I love it!!

  2. I love the idea of the olympics. Where did you come up with that? So cute.

  3. It was so much fun! Luke asks to play "Olympics" every other day now- LOL! I got the idea from my old neighbor, Kristie. She had the best kiddo activities that were simple and easy to do with stuff around the house which I loved!
